Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

We are all different yet we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. It's human nature, and while learning from others is an important part of critical decision making, if it is used to reinforce an unrealistic or negative self-image it can be an unhealthy habit to get into

Recognize that comparing yourself to others is a bad habit.
Society often projects flawless skin, big eyes, full lips, small nose, pure white teeth, smooth and shiny hair, curvy body, and designer clothes for women and they portray them as being happy. They portray tall men with flawless skin, six packs, and designer clothes with lots of women, and they define that that is what makes a man happy.

Realize that everybody is different, because we are.
People are born to be different; no two of us are the same. We have different mindsets, we interpret things differently, we have different experiences, we feel different emotions. Even identical twins are different from each other. We all will always have room for improvement; nobody is flawless, whether it is on the outside or on the inside. As much as some people may want to believe otherwise, nobody is perfect.It would be wise to stop letting people get to you,

Stop being afraid to be yourself.
Whatever size, color, religion, gender, race, or sexual orientation, don't be afraid to be yourself. Nobody but you have the right to dictate what you do, what you think, and what you believe in. There is only one you; nobody has more rights over another person to live.

Learn to recognize that holding a grudge only ties you down from what you really want out of life. Untie the knot and set yourself free. Better yet, analyze and learn what actually hurt you, and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Understand that not everything is possible.
You might have heard the saying, 'nothing is impossible'. In reality that's only denialism and false hope. You can't fly, change the weather, time-travel, change the past, live forever, make someone else change unless they are willing to, fit in with everybody, or be somebody else. 

Learn to deal with change and embrace it.

Whatever makes you happy, whatever floats your boat.
If you feel you need self-improvement and have set yourself an attainable goal, go for it. If you believe that you really need change, do it now. Be sure that you're doing it because it will make you happier, rather than impressing somebody else. For example, stop swearing if it makes you feel better. Learn to meditate. Start helping others. Learn a new skill. Improve your reading speedLearn how to write poetically, work towards a better grade, be nicer to someone, try to be more outgoing, train yourself to run faster, learn how to wear makeup better, find clothes that will fit your frame, be a better wikiHow contributor, work harder towards that promotion, learn to better manage your timechange your habit of being a perfectionist, etc. Do it because you feel good about it, not because you feel bad about yourself. This is your life.

connect with me on google+ at +lyne cruz My Google Profile

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