Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Both Praying

"Prayer is not getting man's will done in heaven, but getting God's will done on earth. It is not overcoming God's reluctance but laying hold of God's willingness."

"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."

"It is the habit of faith, when she is praying, to use pleas. Mere prayer sayers, who do not pray at all, forget to argue with God; but those who prevail bring forth their reasons and their strong arguments" 

"God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it."

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TYPHOON GENER becomes deadly In the Philippines

(updated 1:21 a.m., July 31, 2012) At least four people were killed and millions were left without power Monday as Tropical Storm Gener turned into a typhoon, bringing heavy rains to large parts of the Philippines, the government said. Manila was one of the worst hit areas and schools across the sprawling capital were suspended, largely due to flooding, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said.

Nearly 13,000 people were evacuated in Manila, other parts of the main island of Luzon and the central Visayas region, as rainfall reached 20 millimeters (0.8 inches) an hour, according to the council. "The worst appears to be over, though... there will be more rains forecast today," council chief Benito Ramos told AFP.

The storm knocked out power for as many as two million households in Manila starting late Saturday, said Joe Zaldarriaga, spokesman for the Manila Electric Co. which distributes power to the capital of 15 million. "There are thousands of residents living along this waterway and we have told them to prepare for possible evacuations," Ramos told AFP.

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He is like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalms 1 : 3

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How to Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

We are all different yet we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. It's human nature, and while learning from others is an important part of critical decision making, if it is used to reinforce an unrealistic or negative self-image it can be an unhealthy habit to get into

Recognize that comparing yourself to others is a bad habit.
Society often projects flawless skin, big eyes, full lips, small nose, pure white teeth, smooth and shiny hair, curvy body, and designer clothes for women and they portray them as being happy. They portray tall men with flawless skin, six packs, and designer clothes with lots of women, and they define that that is what makes a man happy.

Realize that everybody is different, because we are.
People are born to be different; no two of us are the same. We have different mindsets, we interpret things differently, we have different experiences, we feel different emotions. Even identical twins are different from each other. We all will always have room for improvement; nobody is flawless, whether it is on the outside or on the inside. As much as some people may want to believe otherwise, nobody is perfect.It would be wise to stop letting people get to you,

Stop being afraid to be yourself.
Whatever size, color, religion, gender, race, or sexual orientation, don't be afraid to be yourself. Nobody but you have the right to dictate what you do, what you think, and what you believe in. There is only one you; nobody has more rights over another person to live.

Learn to recognize that holding a grudge only ties you down from what you really want out of life. Untie the knot and set yourself free. Better yet, analyze and learn what actually hurt you, and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Understand that not everything is possible.
You might have heard the saying, 'nothing is impossible'. In reality that's only denialism and false hope. You can't fly, change the weather, time-travel, change the past, live forever, make someone else change unless they are willing to, fit in with everybody, or be somebody else. 

Learn to deal with change and embrace it.

Whatever makes you happy, whatever floats your boat.
If you feel you need self-improvement and have set yourself an attainable goal, go for it. If you believe that you really need change, do it now. Be sure that you're doing it because it will make you happier, rather than impressing somebody else. For example, stop swearing if it makes you feel better. Learn to meditate. Start helping others. Learn a new skill. Improve your reading speedLearn how to write poetically, work towards a better grade, be nicer to someone, try to be more outgoing, train yourself to run faster, learn how to wear makeup better, find clothes that will fit your frame, be a better wikiHow contributor, work harder towards that promotion, learn to better manage your timechange your habit of being a perfectionist, etc. Do it because you feel good about it, not because you feel bad about yourself. This is your life.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Smoking And Lazy Sports Are Equally Dangerous

SMOKING and lazy sport, Which is more dangerous? According to medical experts, both are equally dangerous.
Less movement can cause health problems as dangerous as smoking.

Harvard researchers say, 1 in 10 people died, or equal to 57 million deaths worldwide each year. These deaths are caused by complications of the disease that is exacerbated by poor lifestyle and tend to be a couch potato.
Couch potato is a term for people who spend more time watching TV while snacking and lounging. This habit is common among housewives, retirees, or young people who are less active.

It may come as a surprise but being lazy has been linked to as many deaths as smoking across the world according to a new study. Researchers estimated that a third of adults are not doing enough physical activity, which as a result caused 5.3m deaths a year. Put in perspective, that's around one in 10 deaths from diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and breast and colon cancer. It is recommended that adults perform two and a half hours of moderate exercise each week. Moderate exercise consists of activities such as relatively fast walking, gardening or cycling.

"Although the world will be watching elite athletes from many countries compete in sporting events... most spectators will be quite inactive. "The global challenge is clear - make physical activity a public health priority throughout the world to improve health and reduce the burden of disease."

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Tips How to Combat Loneliness, Solve Relationship Problems and Lead a Happier Life

If you want to combat loneliness, it may be easier than you think! This article will show you how to decrease loneliness, improve your relationships and feel happier and more fulfilled. You'll learn how to combat loneliness by following successful techniques I've used in my therapy and coaching practice.

1. Avoid feeling sorry for yourself. Yes, it is inevitable that everyone will get lonely once in a while. So we'll all eventually fall into the self-pity trap, but once we become aware of what we are doing we can stop! Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, it's wise to be proactive and do something positive.

2. Be a friend to yourself. If you have no one to come to your rescue, that's fine . . . you can always help yourself. Spend a little time with yourself enjoying nature. My clients have found, over the years, that a trip to the park or a walk through the woods or a drive to the top of the mountain can make them feel quite a bit better. If you want to learn how to be happy, try reconnecting with nature.

3. Recruit music into your life to combat loneliness. Listen to some terrific music, the uplifting kind. Wear headphones and listen for the nuances. Oh, a beautiful song can be so uplifting! It makes positive changes in your brain.
Write a song. Put your feelings into the lyrics and melody. Express yourself in any artistic way and you will feel better! There is hardly any finer therapy on the planet.

4. Read a hilarious book. A book can be such a good friend. And touch the soul.

5. Make contact with another person or touch someone's life. Cure loneliness by . . . calling someone from the past, perhaps a good friend from high school who you may have forgotten. Look up a lost acquaintance. You never know what a great discussion you might have.

6. Watch Your Thoughts. Catch yourself thinking things like, "Gosh, could the world be any gloomier? I've never felt so badly. This is going to be a terrible day, I just know it!"

7. Spend time in prayer, relaxation and meditation. Find a piece of the solitude rock and just sit in the silence, listening to the music that flows within, and get in touch with the cosmic universe. Build your relationship with your Higher Power.

In Sum
Whatever you do, don't give in to lonely feelings and the self-defeating patterns of self-pity. You can combat loneliness by doing something you love, taking positive action steps, and thinking encouraging thoughts. Try something new or do something nice for smeone and you'll be feeling like a million bucks in no time!

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Two Apples a Day Prevent Heart Attacks

Apples Health Tips
More evidence continues to surface supporting the superior effectiveness of nature's foods over medication in preventing disease. New research shows that just two apples a day could help protect women against heart disease lowering blood fat levels by almost 25 percent, a claim unattainable by cardiovascular prescription medications.

Scientists found apples significantly lowered blood fat levels in postmenopausal women, the group most at risk of heart attacks and strokes.Studies in the past have found that flavonoids act as antioxidants -- enzymes that target free radicals that can damage DNA. Flavonoids are commonly found in chocolate, green tea and other fruits and vegetables. Snacking on the fruit every day for six months slashed levels of so-called "bad cholesterol" by almost a quarter, a figure that all statin drugs combined cannot attain.

Why Cholesterol Drugs Are Ineffective

Two-thirds of people taking widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering medicines do not get as much benefit as drug company statements suggest they should, primarily due to cholesterol drugs working better in labs than they do in people. What is particularly disturbing about Statins is, perhaps, the fact that they may be seen as a 'quick fix' for unhealthily high LDL, and consequently cholesterol levels throughout the body. However, the average reduction for LDL cholesterol for all statin drugs combined is less than 18% making the plant extract blend a feasible, affordable and an superior option to Statins for patients with elevated LDL cholesterol levels. Considering the lack of side effects from red yeast rice and artichoke leaf extract blends, the option is gaining deserved attention in the natural health community.

Study Support Previous Evidence

The findings, by a team of researchers at Florida State University in the U.S, support previous evidence that apples could be good for the heart. But the latest study suggests they could benefit one of the highest-risk groups. 
Almost 50 percent of women will suffer from heart disease or a stroke and it is the biggest single cause of death among post-menopausal women. Up to the menopause, women appear to have a natural immunity to heart disease and the rate of illness is only a third of that seen in men. But from the age of around 50 onwards, the incidence increases sharply. 

Researchers wanted to see if eating the equivalent of two apples every day could have a significant effect on heart disease risk.

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The Legend Of Zullotan

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Dory in finding nemo

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Oh Obama

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Rockers

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dancing baby

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Indulgence at the Marina Bay Sands

Indulgence at the Marina Bay Sands

If you are accustomed to a life of luxury on every level, you might be hard-pressed finding another experience that lives up to the Marina Bay Sands®.

Marina Bay Sands® is a magnificent destination for entertainment, business and shopping, delivering once-in-a-lifetime experiences. This landmark building is situated in the heart of Singapore’s central business district. With a luxury hotel, state-of-the-art convention and exhibition facilities, theatres, and some of the best shopping and dining in the region,  Marina Bay Sands® is an experience that indulges your every fancy.

The pinnacle of luxury
Check-in to the Marina Bay Sands® hotel and you’ll enter a world of sheer luxury and exclusivity.  Be greeted by personalised and intuitive service that seeks to make your stay a truly unforgettable experience.
The three hotel towers are crowned by the Sands SkyPark® on the 57th storey, which offers a 360-degree view of Singapore’s skyline.  There’s no greater feeling like standing at the top of the world. This one-hectare sky oasis features lush greenery, beautifully sculptured gardens, remarkable restaurants like Sky on 57 and KU DÉ TA Restaurant, and an infinity pool that almost lets you swim in the clouds.
Delight in premium shopping
The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands® is home to over 300 stores and F&B outlets. Browse the duplex boutiques by Ralph Lauren, Cartier and Prada. Niche designer labels, internationally renowned fashion brands and luxury concept stores create a modern shopping mecca that rivals the fashion capitals of the world.
In September 2011, the Louis Vuitton Island Maison opened in a stand-alone glass and steel Crystal Pavilion that floats on the waterfront of Marina Bay. Incorporating art and cultural elements in its retail space, it is the first Louis Vuitton Maison in Southeast Asia, and was specially designed by internationally acclaimed award-winning architect Peter Marino. 
World-class dining, first-class entertainment

Besides astounding retail indulgence, The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands® includes an eclectic mix of gourmet restaurants and bistros, making Marina Bay Sands® the hangout du jour for visitors and locals alike. In between your shopping spree, sit down to a meal at one of 50 dining establishments, including world-renowned restaurants by Michelin-starred celebrity chefs like Mario Batali, Daniel Boulud, Wolfgang Puck, Guy Savoy and Tetsuya Wakuda. To wine and dine in style, have the Restaurant Concierge reserve you the best tables at the Marina Bay Sands® ’ outstanding restaurants, lounges and bars.Apart from indulging your appetite for fine food and fashion, the complete Marina Bay Sands®  experience includes world-class entertainment and art exhibitions. A hand-picked variety of local and international performances, including the Broadway smash-hit musical WICKED, have made their way to two state-of-the-art theatres at Marina Bay Sands® .
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Two of us

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Let's get ride...

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singing louder

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I can handle

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So Smart...

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Enjoy LIfe

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

To live a glorious life you dont have to have everything that a person may desire, you just have to be able to make the best out of each situation. Instead of living your life waiting for things to be the way that you want them to, and being frustrated because you dont have everything that you desire, be happy that you have enough right now to make things better for the future. 

Handle life with a confident demeanor, an attitude that will help you to convince yourself if you continue to think positively, then positive things will happen.

Your best days are yet to come, be thankful, and appreciative for the life you have yet to live!
You will never be happy if you dont think positive thoughts. If at most times you spend time angry, unsatisfied, discouraged, and unexcited about life, your days will be discouraging, unsatisfying, and you will be easily angered.

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Go Manny

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Cheer Up

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Go Fight

Understanding Why Cats Fight:

If you have a household with multiple cats, you know that cat fights do happen. Even if your cats generally get along, at times, they can still fight. While humans may not completely understand why their kitties are fighting, cats have their reasons for fighting. Some of these reasons are similar to the reasons that humans have disputes. Cats express their discontent with other cats by picking fights. The reasons why cats fight can help you determine how to prevent your cats from fighting in the future. Fighting for their territory: Many cats fight because of their territory. One of the reasons that cats fight is because they feel like an unwanted cat has invaded their territory, even if it is a cat that has lived with them for a long time. Cats are much more territorial than dogs and the gender of the cat has very little to do with it. Contrary to what many people believe, female cats are sometimes just as territorial as their male counterparts. If you have two cats in your home, you might notice that one cat hisses and swats at the other whenever he feels his territory has been invaded. This can also happen if you bring a new cat into the home. They are simply defending their territory.
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Dance Fail

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Who Dares?

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Most amazing,funny and creative trees

Trees have different colors,sizes and shapes , these things help them to look different  from each other and make them amazing and wonderful. Some trees have shapes and designs that look funny,some trees look creative and some look amazing. Here are the 10 most amazing,funny and creative trees in the world. 

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Before and After

election 2012, before election, after election, just politicians, funny young puss in boots pics, 

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